We have witnessed it firsthand during YEF23 that thousands of youth engage and deliver lasting recognition towards multiple companies and corporations in YEF23. 

This year we would like to honorably invite you to engage impactful commitment to the community and social development while fostering meaningful connections with the Malaysian youth. YEF24 offers exclusive networking opportunities with other influential organizations, targeted marketing access and media coverage. 

We offer customisable sponsorship packages to fit your goals and budget, including workshop and speaker opportunities to position you as a thought leader. Gain access to valuable event data and enjoy ongoing recognition through our marketing efforts, all while making a positive impact on the lives of young Malaysian individuals.

“Igniting Malaysia’s Sustainable Future:

Empowering Youth as Catalysts of Change”

In a world faced with pressing environmental, social and economic challenges, the role of youth in shaping a sustainable future cannot be underestimated. Malaysia stands at a critical juncture, and the empowerment of its youth population is key to accelerating progress towards sustainability.

The Youth Empowerment Fair will explore the pivotal role of youth empowerment in driving Malaysia’s sustainable future. We will discuss the challenges, opportunities and strategies that can transform young Malaysians into effective change-makers, innovators and leaders in sustainable development.

Join us to uncover the potential of Malaysia’s youth and how their empowerment can be a driving force for lasting change in the nation’s journey towards sustainability.



  • Achieving inclusive and quality education for Malaysia reaffirms the 4th SDG Goal Entitled: Quality Education which is a belief that education is one of the most powerful and proven vehicles for sustainable development. It aims to provide equal access to affordable vocational training, to eliminate gender and wealth disparities, and achieve universal access to a quality higher education.

  • Sustainable economic growth, higher levels of productivity and technological innovation. Encouraging entrepreneurship and job creation are key to the 8th SDG Goal Entitled: Decent Work & Economic Growth with the goal to achieve full and productive employment, and decent work, for all women and men by 2030 especially for the youth.

  • YEF24 aims to foster a national Malaysian innovative platform in discussing on the entrepreneurial challenges and on how Malaysia can provide new job opportunities while promoting energy efficiency sectors for the youth. Promoting sustainable industries, and investing in scientific research and innovations are all important ways to facilitate sustainable development. This is the 9th SDG Goal Entitled: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure.

Youth Empowerment Fair 2023

Where it all began, YEF23 back in KLCC 18-19 March where all our forum, speakers and attendees participated in this glorious event which was launched by His Royal Highness Tengku Amir Shah Ibni Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah and mandated by our Prime Minister Y.A.B Dato’ Seri Anwar bin Ibrahim. Watch the video to see how it all went!

  • “Program sangat memberangsangkan, penganjuran yang profesional, ramai yang datang dan Saya harap boleh diadakan untuk tahun-tahun yang akan datang”

    YB Tuan Ahmad Fahmi Bin Mohamed Fadzil

    Minister of Communication

  • "I feel the Youth Empowerment Fair event is really special because we need to reach out to more youth to know what they want to do"

    Datuk Nicol Ann David

    Nicol David Organization

  • "Malaysia memerlukan lebih ramai lagi pelajar-pelajar TVET, jadi jika ada peluang teruaslah bercakap betapa bangganya anda berada di dalam bidang TVET"

    Danial Rahman

    Sunway Education Group